8 thoughts on ““Euro Treino” Flatland 2012.

  1. Excellent riding, love seeing Dave Nourie still doing it and doing it well.
    George Manos I can’t get enough. I have to say though, what is up with
    Bert and the cigarette ? His crash over the bars would make a great anti smoking ad.

  2. Nourie rules , but c’mon he hasn’t progressed past 1987 i know he’s 46 but i’m 44 and i’ve progressed way more than that lol i mean i could go out there and bust Quick spins and wheel stands , guess you have to be a name to get a rep.Nice Haro looks a tank though.

  3. my point is MARK is that its old skool we have all done it us past a certain age you young guys haven’t seen it i guess and riding is not about whos better than who its about fun so a pointless comment like yours is about as pointless as a demo by a big name 25 years ago doing old tricks that we have all done my cockney cocky Norwich builder.

  4. Just to note Mark you ain’t even seen my full trick repetoire have you ???

    Half my stuff you can’t do trust me

    you seen me ride at TGM yonks ago doing spin stuff but that dump is the worse place in the world to ride full of ego’s and surface is no good overatted as Lee Wilson said but i never ride to my full potential at TGM or in comps ( both of which i won’t ride at again ever pointless ) so in answer to your answer yeah i’m better than Dave Nourie ( why would i claim to be that anyway i said progressesion ) but i’m not stuck in 1986 like him , did you know me then ?? no , but all that stuff he does i did when you were in nappies going boo hoo.


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