Here’s a really good one from the Canadian powerhouse Jason Plourde, Jason offers some great tips how to maximise and improve your contest performances.
Here’s a really good one from the Canadian powerhouse Jason Plourde, Jason offers some great tips how to maximise and improve your contest performances.
Whatever he says I BELIEVE him……why ? I literally ,after riding in my prelim run @ the 2015 Flatland Voodoo Jam ,walked up to the riders lounge to grab a snack . Raising Caine’s chicken . ( thank you , Terry Adams ! ) and there was Jason alone , quietly shadow boxing , meditating , getting in his zone before his group of prelim riders. Well ………….when his run was up . He KILLED IT on his bike , even having the most ” huck and hold on ” save coming out of a switch hand rope spin pivot to double footed ice cream. Seriously the way he was leaned ANY rider would of fallen off their bikes @ that point . He didn’t……….truly an intense , talented rider . Plourde rules.