What a final this was, two of the most progressive flatlanders on the globe right now go head to head at the Red Bull Circle of Balance in New Orleans, December 2022. This battle between Jean William Prevost and Yu Katagiri is worth watching over and over, this one took twists and turns along the way, and went right down to the wire!
I’m STILL thinking about this battle ,as it was like if Kosta Andreev and Austin Coleborn were to battle @ a F.I.S.E. spine contest or something……a pound for pound , head to head fight to the finish ! I can’t believe the level of stuff that both of these cats use and just full on send in a contest situation. Especially an event as heavy and pressured as this …….both slammed down the highest , most progressive lines / tricks in Flatland at this current moment in time …..not to mention original twists , also ! This was one of the most lethal , determined , and driven acts I’ve ever seen to fight for 1st place . ( Dub ! ) Even my mom who was watching it with me , ha…..was locked in ,watching and as stoked as I was , ha………I REALLY appreciate your documentation of every battle , E ! I couldn’t of imagined being there AND having to keep a steady hand , mindset to film properly during this entire event………I was texting three cats @ the same time and I could barely do THAT ……and watch this …..C.O.B. 2022 will be remembered decades from today . So bummed I had to miss this…….the level of contest riding is so ridiculous in 2023 that ya really CAN’T tell the difference between a video part ender and a contest line , ha…..reminds me of you , Effraim . Your video part lines in a way to enlarge time video part and your K.O.C. run that same year…….which was the SAME thing , ha……..I still watch that…….
Thank you Rodney, I was really hoping you would have been there to finally meet you. It was great to experience the event with Dave Nourie, Bobby Burge, Chris Young, Art Thomason, and many more. What a vibe, the level and intensity was so high, as it should be. It’s the Red Bull Circle of Balance!
Not to mention Yu’s FULL bike flip via rocket and that SLLLLAMMMMED rocket pivot , jump up to pedal stance ,carving rope ,drop down to cross ice cream, cruising inside……to Ucchie spin to ANOTHER bike flip to pedal stance -switch hand rope spin , drop down to turbine -double footed ice creams ,then turbine / carve inside ,to pedal stance junk roll spin ! Katagiri went f-kn ham and mufugin cheese with his last two lines …….HOOOOLLLLD !