A real treat tonight from over ten years of footage primarily from the Mid West scene in the USA. Anthony Schneidewind is not only one talented rider, but also quite the film maker. Featuring the likes of Chris Armstrong, Ron Monis, Todd Gully, Seth Johnson, Chad Gale, Kestrel Roopnarine, Dan Hamilton, Marty Clark, Anthony Schneidewind, Chase Gouin, Jean William Prevost, Mates Tucek, Will Redd, James McGraw, Matt Wilhelm and many more.. This one is well worth your time and attention, and all in dedication to a special man who touched all of our hearts, RIP Hiro Tsuchida.
Flatland at its finest, this is shiznit…
Brilliant work Anthony, I need to take this one in again when I am not in such a rush to get ready for my trip to china.
That was awesome!I was grabbed from the beginning to the end.Great variety of styles and some wild moves in there…also appreciate the footage of Chase and Hiro as well…rip Hiro.Thank you for this one Anthony,brilliant work man!
So far watching this, it’s got a bit of everything. From measuring the distance the riders upon landing off that ramp, to showing mid 80s flat, park and dirt.lt evokes memories of the old days. So it’s different to probably every vid l’ve seen in quite awhile. But, I’d like to know what the very first riders frame is, that looks like it’s twin top tube. Great work guys.
custom frame, Malo is making these wonderfull stuffs
not sure you are ready for this lol đŸ˜‰
bike with the frame you wonder about: https://i.vgy.me/8vG4h9.jpg
Got to also say, showing riders doing what many have never seen or heard before, that’s what many would look at, as ‘easy’, you’ve actually shown those not aware, instead of mostly the fast evolution of flat, which can and has put some off, getting into it. Well done again fellas.And you’ve got the young girl, so what l’ve seen so far, this vid could possibly appeal to more riders, maybe.
My personal fav moment that stood out was 13:48 – 14:18! It’s so Winnipeg it hurts! Felt like I should’ve been there. Damn that was good. Hey Anthony, thanks for putting in the work filming and editing this. There’s got be allot of amazing memories brought up for allot of people after seeing this. We may not personally know each other, but I appreciate what’s been done here. Everyone ride on!
Great job tony you make the best videos!! Capturing the scene well and capturing awesome shit like people landing tricks for the first time!!
Thanks, l like the green frame and the bar/stem combo bars.
This was sooo good! So many people I don’t know and all rad! Great video – riding – flow. More of this!
Video of the year