Oh Canada from Erik Otto on Vimeo.
Canada has a deep history of producing killer flatlanders! When the AM Flat Tuner Evolution contest came to town this summer it was a perfect opportunity for Erik to showcase their talent with his Nikon D5200.
This video highlights the amazing riding from our brothers up north in the Quebec, Toronto and Montreal region. Jean-William Prevost (DUB), Jason Plourde, Jean-Francois Boulianne (JFB), Prasheel Gopal and Percy Marshall killing it.
Thoroughly enjoyed that edit! Props to all my friends in Canada pushing the sport to another level.
While I feel like I’m completely out-classed by the other incredibly talented riders in this video, I’m honoured that Erik allowed a small bit of my riding to be showcased alongside some of Canada’s best. Thanks, Erik!
Enjoyed watching this edit. Thanks erik
Backwheels destroying canada.
And canada has chevy chase. What a sweet place.
Yess Canada (quebec) reprensent! Woop. Lets keep em coming’
Tu rigoles ou quoi ? Tes tricks, enchainements et sauts déchirent !! Ces images de toi ici ont bien sûr leur place dans cette superbe vidéo !!
great stuffs, props to the riders, filmer and editor!
@quoi Merci!