2018 Year End from James McGraw on Vimeo.
I feel like I am giving these Must Watch’s out on the daily at the moment, but James McGraw deserves it more than most. For James to hold back from posting on Instagram is almost an impossible task, I can picture him stressing about not showing it online at his home in Monument, Colorado. At the age of 48, James is a big inspiration to me personally. He has kids, his wife, Laura, runs his own business, phone always going non stop, yet he still finds the time and focus to ride and his energy more importantly is contagious.
This video is James’ quest for several variations that he has been chasing for a long time, one trick took him almost two years. However old you are watching this, will you have this energy at 48? If you already do, more power to you and you should share it. You may inspire more people other than just myself, congratulations on the Must Watch James and thanks again for all you do for flatland.