Must Watch – Regenerations / BMX Flatland Short Film

“A new generation of young riders inspired by older generations are regenerating BMX Flatland.
Their riding regenerates our riding.This video is dedicated to them!”.

Yu Katagiri (14 years old),Ryo Katagiri (19 years old), Yohei Uchino (37 years old), Viki Gomez (38 years old) collaborate on this Christmas Day released Must Watch! Put together four of the best riders in the world with the best filmer in the game, Tom at Sevisual and you strike gold.

The concept for the video is a great one, and demonstrates how generations of riders can inspire each other back and forth via the Flatpark Flatland School that Yohei Uchino runs. As Jesse Puente would say “You push me, I push you back homie!”.

Rather than list trick for trick which I always do, i’m going to flip this one. Let’s talk about this one in the comments section. Time for a rewind, lot to take in this one…

Top marks Tom, Viki, Ucchie, Ryo and Yu!