Design: Johann Chan.
Just a few weeks ago, I celebrated 10 years of running Flatmattersonline. Thank you for all the positive feedback on the site and on my social media, it’s pretty amazing to me that the site continues to grow as we now move into it’s 11th year. Next year I have some bigger plans with the site that I am really excited to get working on in the new year.
Now it’s time to get to the 2018 Flatmattersonline Year End awards and if you have already scrolled down you will notice I keep the same format as the 2017 awards. Who’s going to win this year? Who do you feel has had the best year, what do you look for? Contest results? Must Watch edits? Giving back to the sport? Perhaps something else…
Without further a due, it’s time to start researching and digging back through the year at what’s gone on.
Editorial Vote:
Rider of the Year
Edit of the Year
Most Progressive Rider
Outstanding Contribution
Line of The Year
Reader Choice:
Rider of the Year
Edit of the Year
Most Progressive Rider
Contest Run of Year
Breakthrough Rider of the Year
What’s the Deadline for voting?
Voting closes New Years Eve at 12 Midnight GMT.
Monday December 31st.
How do you vote?
Send your votes through to: – entitled Flatmattersonline Awards 2018.
Nominees announced:
Friday January 4th.
Year end award winners announced:
Friday 11th January.
Please note:
Voting only counts via email, and you must vote in each category to be eligible. Plenty of time to go through edits over the festive period and look back via the site on the highlights of the year that will follow over the next few weeks, take your time and good luck and most of all enjoy the process!
Effraim Catlow
Flatmattersonline / 10 Years Strong!
Been waaaaaaaaiiiting for the year end awards ! SLLLLAAAAAAMMMMED ! Ive had my personal picks in every category for about a week now !