Varo Hernandez goes head to head with Kio Hayakawa from Japan, battle style at the Red Bull Circle of Balance 2022 in New Orleans. Enjoy!
Varo Hernandez goes head to head with Kio Hayakawa from Japan, battle style at the Red Bull Circle of Balance 2022 in New Orleans. Enjoy!
Varo’s long line working his back to front wheel, while the drum n bass jam kicked in was so dope to me . His cab to rear peg five , whopper exits were ill as well ! Kio’s all rolling reverse switch -b rules , I never get tired of seeing it . ( cross rope transition to double footed back yard roll ! ) Another one of his N.B.D.s………keep em coming , Effraim ! Any and all C.O.B. videos are VERY welcome ! Even practice ones , if ya got em……..
“This is a combo!” So great. Anything could have happened and this battle is a great example.
Hell yeah it was a slammed combo , Peckosh ! Wish I could of been there . Had to work , bruv …Which specific transition of Varo’s combos are your favorite , Morgan ?
I mean, the sweet part of this combo is the whole of it’s parts. He did pedal backwheel stuff and crossfooted frontwheel stuff in one combo. But if I have to choose, it is still the wheelchair to xfoot elephant glide. You can see where this combo is heading and it is just going to get more dialed.
I agree , Peckosh ! More dialed indeed .Instead of the whopper exit …… I see him whipping directly to another rocket , turbine and hop AGAIN to the front ,rear peg five …..but… THEN drop down to hang five and immediately pivot to Cobain roll and ….yup , you guessed it……bar twitch AGAIN to a spinning half packer , butter slip back out to switch hand steam , etc ,etc,etc……I’d love to see that and his combo get even longer and longer , being that I’m ALL ABOUT doing long combos , Morgan……doing them feels like you’re entering into another realm of stilled time/reality or something , haha…I love it !.Varo rules !