Congratulations to Viki Gomez, one of the flatland all time greats on celebrating 20 years on Red Bull!
Here’s what Viki had to say:
“Started my journey with Red Bull in 2003 after winning the Red Bull Circle of Balance World Championships. Now, 20 years later and after six World Championships, three NORA Cups, 70 countries and many other great achievements that I am thankful for!
I wanted to give a tribute to the brand that have given me wings and still do!
Thank you Red Bull and everyone who I met along the way. Let’s go for Year 21 !!!
Thank you GGM image & SEVISUAL for this epic surprise.”
MUST WATCH . Salud to one of the most innovative AND original BMX Flatlanders ever. ( in my personal top7 list ! ) This cat has been a trend setter and has ” blue printed ” a huge mass of progressive Flatland riding since 1998 . ( when he bought a GT show frame from Jason Brown , r.i.p. @ the Portugal World’s contest . Jason Brown ALSO in my top 7 list ! ) Impulsivity , Rise 1 , 3, 5, One hour walk of flow …..countless edits . Multiple N.O.R.A. Cup awards , 3 time C.O.B. and countless contest victories , video parts …….AND freestyling signature combos winning all these contests . This cat has done it all . Truly a humble , inspiring person , too. I still remember his encouraging words to me as we were in the hotel elevator @ Flatland Voodoo Jam 2017 . I was raving to him about his riding in prelims and in the finals . He was killing it on a new signature Ares frame that he wasn’t even used to . Had only been riding it for a MONTH . Viki told me ” I like your style , long combos. I think that riding style died out of Flatland because it is hard ! ” When he said that to me I was in shock . I’ve looked up to him for years so his words hit me like boulders , ha. Dude is a true class act on AND off the bike . Brakeless , switch side front brake ……his tricktionary is infinite . Both wheels ,etc……I STILL remember HOW he won C.O.B. 2012. Pure FREESTYLE , going with the flow , zero plan , doing whatever tricks came to mind @ the split second of a combo WITH pressure of the biggest contest and title on the line. 20 years of dominance . 20 years of progression . 20 years of freestyle . 20 years of motivating BMX Flatland as a whole and myself since that conversation on that elevator . Mad respect Jorge Viki Gomez …….
Thank you Rodney! Just one comment like yours makes it all worth it! The most beautiful part of living of your own passion is the light you can share with others through inspiration. Let’s keep it up
Congrats to Viki. Honestly so impressive to be able to stay at that level for so long. Only had the chance to meet Viki once in Toronto but was a good soul and energy.
PS. Rodney is such a great ambassador of the sport. Thank you. Your enthusiasm and positivity is inspiring.
Hell yeah , Fong . Viki rules and so does your riding , bruv. I still watch your lines in Loiter 2 , Paved Paradise , and Graveyard’s Staic video ! Thank you for the kind words and I’d be stoked for you to send Effraim some of your riding , Campeon….I remember back in Fall of 1998 mi amigo , Oscar was chatting with you online ( Pedal BMX forum , I think ? ) and chatting with me on his cell @ the same time. I was stoked and couldn’t believe that he was talking to the real Steve Fong, haha… I had Oscar ask you to name 2 of your personal favorite lines during that time, haha… named them and typed to Oscar ” This is the REAL Steve Fong , I sh-t you not ! ” Do you remember that ? Like I said ….I’ve digged your riding since 1997…..steam brakeless bar twitch to single kick ,left cross Cobain/ switch hand steam . ( repeating it back to back . ) In my opinion ya were one of the first making these transitions in Vogue in Flatland back then…….remember that ,also ? Cheers , Fong !
Hell yeah , Fong . Viki rules and so does your riding , bruv. I still watch your lines in Loiter 2 , Paved Paradise , and Graveyard’s Staic video ! Thank you for the kind words and I’d be stoked for you to send Effraim some of your riding , Campeon….I remember back in Fall of 1998 mi amigo , Oscar was chatting with you online ( Pedal BMX forum , I think ? ) and chatting with me on his cell @ the same time. I was stoked and couldn’t believe that he was talking to the real Steve Fong, haha… I had Oscar ask you to name 2 of your personal favorite lines during that time, haha… named them and typed to Oscar ” This is the REAL Steve Fong , I sh-t you not ! ” Do you remember that ? Like I said ….I’ve dug your riding since 1997…..steam brakeless bar twitch to single kick ,left cross Cobain/ switch hand steam . ( repeating it back to back . ) In my opinion ya were one of the first making these transitions in Vogue in Flatland back then…….remember that ,also ? Cheers , Fong !
Oh man, what a throwback. Pedalbmx was a blast. I vaguely remember (im old now). I forgot about Static. I think I was 17 or something there.
I always loved the big tricks that got you hurt if you missed them. I don’t have any footage anymore unfortunately that’s digital. I do have some very old stuff on VHS but I need to convert it.
I truly do think you are so such a great part of the community. You bring all the things that make flatland great.
It’s too bad that Ronin video never came out. We were all saving so many new things for that.
If I ever get that footage converted I’ll reach out to E to see if it’s of any interest.
Yes Steve, real shame that Ronin video never came out. I would love to see that converted footage as I’m sure everyone would. Pedalbmx was amazing for sure.
Thanks again , Steve ! I appreciate the words , my man . As cats like yourself are a vital component of Flatland as well . ( your videos parts and overall demeanor back that statement. ) For sure , bruv. That Ronin team video would of been THE SEZ . ( meaning it would of blown the doors off of progressive flatland and blown some minds in the process. ) At that time like 2 months before it was about to drop I was in regular contact with your teammate ( Terry Adams. ) and would chat on the phone for multiple hours all the time. He was , like you…..filming heavily and really going in trying and experimenting with all kinds of lines. He was half way finished with his footage around the middle of Fall. He told me ” Dude everyone on the team is dropping nothing but N.B.D. lines that haven’t been seen by anyone. ” I’d be stoked if all of ya’ll ……Big-E ( Effraim. ) , Terry , Strat , You , Mcfadden , etc could somehow link up and plan a RE-up of that video…….even do an edit of the lines that ya’ll are doing today in 2024 , just for the sake of a O.G. Ronin reunion edit ! That’d be SICK , huh , Effraim ??! Even just one line each from everyone would rule , even phone filmed clips…….Viva Ronin BMX team ,2024. I still remember meeting Neville @ the X-Trials , E.S.P.N. contest , April 26 2002 , Grand Prarie , Texas. We took turns riding my bike as we had a riding session with Takashi Ito ….as Michael Mcfadden did turbine cliffhanger. While snapping pictures of himself. ( while DOING the trick . ) With Terry’s camera . Nato gave me that Ares front cable modifier that only the Ares team had. I never put it on . I saved it for memories sake……Neville was SO hyped on Ronin , creating it………
Oh yeah, not Naoto Tamura ……..Nato , the Ares team manager in the 2000s , ha….Derosche , Penonzek , Pintek , Uno had some SICK prelim runs that were as sick as the final runs that Sunday. Prelims AND Finals run were BOTH @ an insane riding level . ( and it was misting on and off an hour before the Prelims ! )
Beautiful words and great memories Viki. I feel so lucky to have been in the crowd watching some of those events. The best is yet to come for you! ✊