Congratulations to Yu Katagiri who just took the win at the Chimera A-side contest in Japan, followed by Kio Hayakawa and Ryo Katagiri! The level of riding was absolutely insane!!! Anyone watch the livestream? So many good battles!!!
Congratulations to Yu Katagiri who just took the win at the Chimera A-side contest in Japan, followed by Kio Hayakawa and Ryo Katagiri! The level of riding was absolutely insane!!! Anyone watch the livestream? So many good battles!!!
These three are just RULING the contest scene ……would of been interesting if the Katagiri brothers would of got a shot to medal, in Chiba . Where’d ya see the live stream battles , E ? I’d be happy to watch em , also . I’m still stoked on Ryo’s winning run @ Hiroshima , F.I.S.E. , 2019 !
Hey Rodney!
The battles were live on Instagram, lucky enough to catch them this morning. I wish they would put these on YouTube to watch over and over! The level was insane!!!
Damn it , haha…..had I have known that…. I would of been on Insta a lil earlier today ! I can just imagine the levels during the battles , E …..fingers crossed that they upload even just a lil bit of it on You Tube ….these three cats in contests is as epic as when Chase , Chad and Puente would all show up @ contests back in 93-94 ! Kio , the Katagiri bros are just going ham and cheese , demolishing Flatland in 2022 ! Haha……
All 3 drop face melters on the regular. The level is incomprehensible for a non rider to fully grasp. They’re all just getting started too, what are we going to see in the next 10 years? Almost causes a thinky pain.
We’re basically looking at the present and future next ten years of flatland in this photo.
Indeed! The contest was absolutely amazing, level of riding was higher than x games!
Damn were you telling the PRECISE truth , Effraim ! I’ve watched Yu and Kio’s combos in the Chimera edit that you shared on Insta …….and DAAAAMMNN , dude ! The riding level was MENTAL . These riders are literally about honor , the progression and difficulty within the sport ! Like you stated…..ABSOLUTELY AMAZING and as CORE as one could ask for in a contest …..EVERY class . Yu and Kio , their combos ……..FULL ON ham and cheese . So ,so ,so crazy !
Spot on , Fenton ! These three like Mirra , r.i.p. , Nyquist and Allan Cooke back in mid 2000 ! The three untouchables in Flatland , just raising the difficulty bar relentlessly , haha…Kio , Yu…..their combos in that Chimera High Class edit that Effraim , JPRO left links on ……full on WILD , TIMES 7 . You’ve ALSO done , doing YOUR part also , elevating , pushing DIFFICULTY , Brandon . E-Clipse and multiple video sections are PROOF , my man ! At a time when brakeless Flatland was cruising along……E-Clipse dropped and your technical combos kicked Flatland straight up the arse , haha…..FACT !
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afXL-BpxteM —-Clips from all classes, lotta talent for a “small” contest. Bike flips mid combo are now the new norm for podium placement it seems. And there was even a rolaid at 3:24, old skool action.
thank you very much!!!
Thank you , JRO ! This edit was so good , Yu , Kio and everyone’s riding was as SLLLLLAMMMMED as ever . Ridiculous levels in every class.
obscenely ridiculous
in a great way
The last line in the edit from Yu is on another level. Most impressive thing I’ve seen pulled in a contest ever!
@Joey K – yep thats a contender for line of the year already!