European Flatland League is Born!


So much exciting contest news this year already, and here is one more to the list! Viki Gomez explains all:

“I together with Alexandra (GG.M.) have created the EFL (EUROPEAN FLATLAND LEAGUE). That will be an official governing “association/federation” for all flatland competitions held in Europe. Each year, we will determine what European competitions can qualify for being part of the EFL series. This year, we have “BIKE DAYS” in Switzerland, “BMX CGN” in Germany and “UK CHAMPIONSHIPS” in England.

The EFL is created to establish an equal and transparent competion and judging system within Europe. In order to motivate the riders and newcomers of the sport in Europe. This way we can have a clear competiton ranking between the European riders, as well as giving chances for young European riders to have the chance of being highly ranked within Europe.”

More details on formats, judging criteria, etc to follow:

Social media:


instagram: (@europeanflatlandleague)