Cream 33 review

The new issue of Cream bmx lifestyle magazine arrived in the post today, the cover features Terry Adams underwater upside down, Cream covers flatland like no other, issue 33 takes us to ten years of the magazine! An unbelievable achievement in itself, and testament to the fact a magazine can cover all parts of BMX and survive.
But for the purposes of this review I will just talk about the flat, it’s the flat that matters. Sorry couldn’t resist that!
The cover article is Floatland riders, 6 pages of Terry and models under water. In all manner of positions, oo er…
Alain’s editorial this issue focuses on the achievement of ten years of cream magazine.
My favourite articles of this issue, are the Ucchie interview, the story of how he arrived to be a pro rider (quite interesting so I won’t spoil it for you), his logic riding approach, how he handles the pressure, etc etc, all makes for great interview, Green g shot the photos, say no more!
This leads me onto Green G’s photos “Japanese influence”, this issue focussing on Hiroya Morisaki and Ryoji Yammamoto, I really like what Green G had to say about yammers riding “A kind of beauty is found in a trick trimmed of the fat and polished to the utmost point.”
The topic of one of best flatchats yet, Trevlon Hall gets a great interview and photos, talking about the need for infrustructure in flatland, and how hes grown as a rider.
Besides these three great articles which stood out for me, there’s coverage of the Circle Cow, two portfolios with riders Reny Issaly, and Sebastian Heck, Jomopro coverage, Chad Johnston’s interviews the Old school at the Woodward Reunion. Cream covers all types of BMX, it stands out for me as being the leading BMX magazine on the planet right now. Great issue!! Thanks Alain!


For to long Bmx Flatland has gone without official Grounds Globally. Flatland’s infrastructural history is full of sessions in Car parks, Tennis Courts, Basketball Courts, and the likes. You were almost comfortable with spots created for other purposes. You sometimes argue when disturbed at your favorite spot. You know you are doing something positive and hunger to excel. You and others have teamed up for sessions over the years and have created turfs that many come to respect, but is it Government endorsed and Supported? Does it cater to the masses and our generation next? Is it in the legal framework of your government’s sporting system?
Do you exist as an official sport entity to your government? Ask yourself these questions when next you hit the PEOPLES’ parking lot, tennis court, or Basketball court, for your next session. WE have been using grounds, which were not designed, for our sport. Because of this, eviction, disrespect & distractions have plagued many globally and continue to agitate unimaginable progress for our sport. Those with personal backyard spots, in house spots, or turf respect – Let me remind you that there are many worldwide that suffer excruciating disrespect striving to do a sport they love. Think about others around the world and the less fortunate in your country.
Everyone would not mentally ignite on this information, I wrote this to spark and encourage minds worldwide that understand the value of somewhere we can call home. I know there are others out there that will wisely and passionately dedicate their life, like I did for infrastructural development. Everyone renders life to our sport in some special way or the other. Flatland Grounds throughout the world will result in a paradigm shift and augment our sport.
Flatland has evolved over the years and we must evolve its infrastructure to match our progression. If you care to research on the most ORGANIZE and SUCCESSFUL sports in the world – you will see an unforgiving truth through the centuries of time. They all evolved from a homeless status to gigantic stadiums, metal roofing which is a A Proactive Approach to Commercial Roof Maintenance and structures that identify their sport. The history of tennis for example began in the streets and was without a racquet, a rubber ball, a home, and a constitution. As the centuries went by the use of ones hand was replace with the racquet, the use of the streets was replaced with royal grounds and the vulcanization of rubber by Charles Goodyear supplemented stupendously to its growth. As you research the histories of ORGANIZE and SUCCESSFUL sports you would see staggering similarities. They all evolved from vagrancy and homelessness. A home for flatland would identify our sport to the masses and give way to quantum benefits. It is a critically important step in Flatland’s evolution. It will leave our generation next somewhere that they can progress without the distractions. They will be able to build on our models and evolve relative to the speed and creativity of our sport just like all other successful sports throughout history. Those who choose to stay in the shadows of places that were not designed for flatland can go right ahead. You have my blessings! Developmental flatland minds will make sure your children have official grounds to practice and have fun. You can visit a reliable metal roofing contractors to help you understand the idea of an ideal arena. The Transition Roofing: commercially certified roofing company can make sure to solve all your roofing concerns. There will ensure that the players have space to practice which will result in our holistic development of FLATLAND Worldwide. I live in a future mind state everyday; I think about our youths everyday, I think about the future good of our sport everyday and I sacrificed my life where it matters most to me – infrastructure. I will live and die for flatland like a soldier in the field of battle. My actions will vibrate through reality more convincingly than spoken words. The, “TREVLON HALL BMX FREESTYLE FLATGROUND”, is the result of enormous hard and smart work throughout the years. I am most grateful for this supplementation to our sporting landscape, but more importantly – Our Nation’s youth will benefit tremendously from it and others throughout the world will be inspired to act. For those of you that are concerned about roofing and other comforts… remember the fundamental principles in life, learn from nature and try here for a complete list of tips if all else fails.
A newborn turns over first, then sits, then crawls, then walks, then runs. It is all done in steps – there are no short cuts. Be greedy to your government and you will stay in the peoples’ parking lot. This is the embryonic stage of Trevlon Hall..more gifts of consistent labor will follow as I continue to dream and act where it matters most to me – infrastructure! ASK NOT WHAT FLATLAND CAN DO FOR YOU, BUT WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR FLATLAND…quote by my lifelong friend,”Brian Johnson”. …Let the Flatland Paradigm Shift Begin… by Trevlon Hall

Ares Bykes Toybox edit

With the release of Ares Vol.5 anyday, the update edits to hype up the release are coming fast, sadly no Hotoke, as he quit Ares, am I the only one who thinks Hotoke is so underrated??

Hi is a Toy box of ARESBYKES!? from YORK UNO on Vimeo.

Adam Kun Commercial

Not sure how many of you have seen this, sevisual edit of course, nice commercial..

Fundango commercial from adamkun on Vimeo.

Dez Maarsen edit

This guy is busting, great hopeful in my mind for the future of flat…

Pralex Cutting floor edit

Team Pralex are becoming infamous on the global flat forum, and making waves on the AM North American contest circuit, heres the footage thats not making their web video due out in June in HD, which rumour has it, Cory Fester is filming for…

Pralex “Cutting Room Floor” Footage from Pralex Gorier on Vimeo.

Bike days edit by Chris Bohm

Big Bike Festival “BikeDays” BMX Flatland Skillz by Chris Böhm from Chris Böhm on Vimeo.

Bike Day final results

1. Dominik Nekolny
2. Alex Jumelin
3. Chris Böhm

Congrats Dominik!!

Jason Plourde edit

Jason kindly sent a link to his new video, thanks Jason!! Nice backwheel!

Jay May 2009 from FermeTaGueulePisRide on Vimeo.