Hello everyone!
It’s time for episode 81 of the Flatmattersonline Exclusives, today we have a nice one from flatland lifer Rob Alton!
Rob comes through with what I guess you would call one and a half hangglider to mccircle double decade out! Double decades are one of the best feeling tricks in the game, when you stomp a good one there’s nothing like that feeling.
Rob has multiple decades on lock, and is doing great things for the flatland scene in Hungary with his Sportzone facility, teaching lots of kids flatland skills.
Later in the year, Rob will hosting the annual Sportzone contest, get there if you can!
Whose got episode 82? Get in touch let’s keep this flowing….
Thanks Rob for contributing…
It’d be interesting to see if there’s a study or research done looking into how much chrome bike parts are responsible for making decades happen in multiples. Nice smooth and snappy line Rob!
Hang glider straight to Mc Circle . ( one handed for style points ! ) THEN a double decade ! I love this new line of Rob’s . He’s a RIPPER , TIMES 7 . Agreed , BZ…….smooth / snappy and pulled with authority ! These exclusive are going the hell off like Spike Speed Wrench’s flatland battle against Radical Rick when him and M.X. Mug rolled up to their BMX crew ! Loving Rob’s style …..I’m still stoked on his combos on Vimeo from 8 years ago…….