One of the highlights of Round 1 of the UK BMX Flatland League in Leicester was the return of James White to the contest scene. Despite being bullied into entering, James it seemed had more fun than anyone else and took a well earned second place finish.
Enjoy both his runs, including his commentary.
So fun to watch, James had a smile on his face the whole time!
Wow, you were quick Todd! Like I said, James had more fun than anyone. The “wait for it” in the infinity roll was classic!
He’s done it all ( 50 shades of white proves that .) …… good to see him truly enjoying his riding , these runs and every direction that he’s taken on his bike. I love these runs. Totally gives me Vanderspek , Declan Murray and Neil Blender vibes ! Just freestyling , still ripping and relishing every second of it ….. I appreciate cha , Effraim !
Dudes done it all over his career. 50 shades of White proves it ! Loving these runs ….makes me think of Vanderspek , Declan Murray , and Neil Blender ( skateboarding icon . ) the way he just freestyling , having fun…….and STILL ripping fresh ways to ride his bike. Yeaaahh , James !