The 2021 Flatmattersonline Rider of the Year, Kio Hayakawa from Japan goes head to head in the quarter final with Dutch style cat, Siese Van Berkel at the Red Bull Circle of Balance. This was a good battle!
The 2021 Flatmattersonline Rider of the Year, Kio Hayakawa from Japan goes head to head in the quarter final with Dutch style cat, Siese Van Berkel at the Red Bull Circle of Balance. This was a good battle!
The battle of progressive BMX Flatland styles , this is ! It’s a brain strainer , keeping up with Sieste’s pedal , pivot , and leg contortion / spinning chaos and Kio’s reverse switch-b , blender backwards ankle twisting- apple crate , pedals ice cream madness ! Nail biter , times 7 right here …….Thanks , E ! Keep em rolling/ slamming …..