Matt Wilhelm from the USA vs Lee Musselwhite from Great Britain battle it out first round at the Red Bull Circle of Balance 2022 in New Orleans. Enjoy watching this one unfold…
Matt Wilhelm from the USA vs Lee Musselwhite from Great Britain battle it out first round at the Red Bull Circle of Balance 2022 in New Orleans. Enjoy watching this one unfold…
This battle ruled as well . Wilhelm doing his magnificent thing and Lee killing the floor with N.B.D.- original moves that are set in stone as some of the most insane in flatland’s history……..i.e…..his SPIDER GLIDE ! Two very different riding styles that pack much flavor , difficulty and style ! I love polar opposite riding style battles …this one reminds me of Dub vs Nekolny in Kyoto back in 2012 ….rad match up . Again , I appreciate ya catching these battles , E !