A lot of back wheel riding currently looks very similar, not that that’s a bad thing. Ahmed Johnson’s riding hits differently, the way this man appears to walk around the bike stepping side to side with so much style is incredible to watch. Love the line at 1:23, and the opposite F truck at the Spot in Redondo Beach at 2:26!!
always loved Ahmed’s style of riding, met him a couple times at Voodoo Jams, dude is humble & nice!!!
and yeah, that spin to Fvck Truck is ridiculous!!!
Sick riding and nice lookin spots! The beats along with the edit just get the stoked vibe right up quick. Thanks for sharing.
Now everyone rewind and watch again!
Great riding..
So technical and lovie his flow
I love the creativity in this, always finding a new way around and over the bike, dope riding Ahmed. Stoked to see this!
Must watch indeed , Effraim . Been watching this 3 hours after it dropped online. I knew Ahmed was ” in the kitchen ” just filming , waiting to bless us with some of his signature flavor….sick concepts and technical movements. Still remember his prelim run @ the 2015 Flatland Voodoo Jam . He won the rider’s choice award that day ,also….I’m stoked Dub added him to the elite I.G.I. roster of progressive , original riders . Hell yeah , Ahmed , love all of your new stuff , bruv….
Oh my goodness, this is so good.