Amazing contest edit by Uehara Hiroshi, featuring the likes of Travis Collier, Tsutomu Kitayama, Calvin Tan, Kotaro Tanaka, Russia, Yohei Ucchino, Viki Gomez, Matthias Dandois and more. That last combo from Ucchie!
Amazing contest edit by Uehara Hiroshi, featuring the likes of Travis Collier, Tsutomu Kitayama, Calvin Tan, Kotaro Tanaka, Russia, Yohei Ucchino, Viki Gomez, Matthias Dandois and more. That last combo from Ucchie!
unreal … what a crowd and coverage … E , saw MTV on the credits at the end ? do they support all the G-Shock events or is this something that might get additional “mainstream” coverage ? #winterMotivation
I’m not sure Shaun to be honest. Hiroshi is the man to answer that question.
Japan = Flatland
Effraim / Shaun Lapsley
we will show this event at MTV on Jan 15 th.
because this is not ONLY bmx and skate event.
also MUSIC and dance.
PHARCIDE also did the gig on the stage.