Must Watch – Group Asphaltanic Rites / Heresy BMX


This morning I woke up in Monument, Colorado to a special treat from the Heresy BMX family. It is almost goes without saying that many of you will not even read this description before hitting play on the video, that’s the hold and respect the Heresy crew have on the flatland community.

The flatland team seems to be a thing of the past for the most part so it’s great that Alexis is able to continuing growing the team adding Pete Olsen to the team who totally fits the HSY aesthetic, and this summer Pete joined Michaël Husser, George Manos, Sebastian Grubinger, Matthieu Bonnecuelle, and head honcho Alexis Desolneux for a summer tour around various spots in Southern France. Combine that with that amazing work of Tom over at Sevisial who captures the chemistry and aesthetic of the brand and in turn whets the appetite somewhat.

From the opening triple backwards two footed backyard walk around by Pete Olsen you just wait in excitement like a little kid as to what is next to follow. The subtle change to colour was almost a nice touch in my mind, as with all Must Watch edits and particularly edits like this I like to highlight what I loved about it.

1:00 & 3:34: Sebastian Grubinger’s lines throughout are absolutely amazing. He and Pete are really pushing the backwards style in this edit and generally and it’s so good now they are repine’ the same brand. Like I said before, the fit makes sense.

4:09: Loved Michael Husser’s whiplash to two footed frontyard round the bars line is so good, and look at the dust on the ground. Even more amazing, loved the style.

5:09: Matthieu Bonnecuelle has so many nice intricate moves throughout the edit, especially loved this g-turning switch foot whiplash jump to pedal manual 180 out to jump off pedals switch foot fakie whiplash and out. The variety between each team members styles are really refreshing throughout.

5:26: One of my favourite lines of the edit, one that myself and James McGraw called out when we first watched the edit this morning, Sebastain’s gliding gerator g turned to backwards two footed backyard half backwards decade off the pedal. Subtle, but such a treat!

The shove pedal 5 line that George Manos drops at the 7:06 is absolute poetry in motion.

And the ender, x-up ride in to brakeless straddle roni from Pete Olsen is so point. Another masterpiece from Heresy, who deserve all the plaudits they will get from this edit I am sure. This is flatland and that is why we love it. Big up everyone involved in this production.

21 thoughts on “Must Watch – Group Asphaltanic Rites / Heresy BMX

  1. Fantastic work!! Matthieu has always something surprising in store. I really appreciate the creativity from all these guys. Thank you!

  2. Great links. Have to say the pedal 5/ shove resembles a b/wards trackstand. As long whoever likes doing them though. Overall the riding’s great.

  3. Yeeessss , Johann -TIMES 7 on that statement ! Loving this , not even half way through it , literally fighting not to rewind with so many f-kn HAMMER lines from these cats………..I was just anticipating them unleashing something , especially with rippers , Olsen / Husser on their roster now . This f-kn made my night , AND riding to some SLUDGE metal / Tom Sevisual creating the edit …….I couldn’t ask for anything more ! MUST WATCH , indeed !! Damn Im digging this !

  4. If we’re talking about the same trackstand of the 80s, it’s the position the rider’s in, in that position. The difference I see in this is, that he’s not turning the tire to move.

  5. This was a killer edit – amazing riding, visually and conceptually refreshing, and…done to the sound of classic Electric Wizard.

    Anti-trend flatland. \m/

  6. This is super good. Kept thinking of the days when flatland was part of all vids.

    In particular, it reminded me of something that might’ve come up in a 20inch Video magazine addition, or the lost flatland tapes of Nowhere Fast.

  7. This is bonkers!!!! Glad to Pete Olsen!

    I can see Hidenori Ishizaki fitting in quite well with the Heresy team.

    Can’t wait for the next video!!!!!!

  8. Just catching up with this now because I moved house and have no internet! Amazing! So interesting – great tricks from everyone. Great production too. Best edit in a long time.

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