Marton’s 49 edit (year end edit) from og pictures on Vimeo.
So many good edits today, but if I had to pick one to watch it would be this Marton is 49 edit. One of the greatest riders to ever come out of the European scene, Marton can do it all. Whether it’s the xft hitch pivot backwards backpacker to carved backwards halfpacker bar hop backwards over bars to fire hydrant at 2:46, he’s the only one in the world doing that or its ET Nose manuals across the parking lot or pinky squeaks to locomotive. Marton is still out there doing it, and doing it as well as ever. I took a lot of motivation out of this edit and I am sure you will. Roll on the Marton is 50 edit. Hitting the rewind, what a great watch this is.
His last name is Szilagyi 🙂
Great edit, truly timeless!
I spell his last name wrong all the time. Corrected thanks Oliver for pointing it out! Great edit for sure and great focus to maintain that level at 49 years old!
Yeah. So good! Marton is so inspirational and some. Can’t wait to the big 50 edit
F-k YEEEAAAHHH , TIMES 7……….WHAT an edit to wake up to this morning , before work ! As ya stated Big -E , Marton does it ALL , on BOTH wheels . Such a MASSIVE tricktionary ! Damn , where do I start ?! Off the top of my head / first viewing of this ……..his x-leg hiker , pivot to backwards back packer line , such a high level combo being SLLLAAAAAAMMMMED down @ 49 YEARS of age , add that he friggin blindly leaps over the bars , @ 2.51 MINUTES , landing to IMMEDIATE fire pinks , a total signature touch, outta the backwards half packer , that only he would do………and you’ve got one SWEEEEEEEET combo !! Two more things that were total SZLAGYI flavors were his decade STRAIGHT to FRAME stance mega spins , @3.44 MINUTES , TIMELESS / SUPER hard transitions , right there , AND his multiple whiplashes , jump / switching to a side packer , BOTH feet , straight to his pegs , landing in the side packer , @ 4.51 MINUTES ! I was AMMMMMMPED , him throwing a LOCOMOTIVE to SMITH , exiting that link , also ! Marton throwing in his 1998ish footage is also a treat , with his yearly birthday edits , SO dope , bruv ! The fact that he just KNOWS which song to use in ALL his riding edits / video parts , that REALLY , REALLY compliment his style of links , is ALSO a great detail . THIS track is HYPE , TIMES 7 , went with this edit so well . I think its a newer B-Real song ?! Cypress Hill songs have ALWAYS flowed very well with bmx flatland riding , in general , in my opinion , anyway ……THIS song just adds that much MORE fire , hype and intensity to Szilagys riding ! Hell , bruv ….to be THIS friggin skilled on a bike …….@ 49 YEARS of AGE …….youre BEYOND an ELITE rider , TIMES 7…….WOW , this edit just MAKES ya wanna go out and get on your bike ……..think I ll do just THAT , for a sec , before work . Again , not even about pulling ANYTHING , trick wise ……edits like this one , and many other will just have ya AMMMPED to fumble a basic squeaker , as long as ya just session a lil bit , if ya catch my vibe………HAPPY BIRTHDAY ………Marton BMX-0.G. Szilagyi , I too …..CANT WAIT on your 50th bmx edit , SALLLLLLLUUD , bruva !
Yeah man what an og
Happy birthday Marton.!That was insanely good…cant wait also for the 50 edit.Same weather with Athens today!ha!
The man is one the world’s greatest treasures. There’s just not enough props to be given! This is so insanely awesome.
Proper use of brakes and ambidexterity. So good.
Have thought Martin’s 1 of the best l’ve seen. Truly a great of all time in my view. He looks like a Chase inspired rider, up there with Wilhelm the K, Terry Adams, the list goes on. if it hasn’t already been said & l wait for his edits as he seems to have gotten better with age. Happy B’day, bring on your 50th and beyond!
I’m with you Rodney, Marton’s beyond elite & does so much, many others can’t.No disrespect to others, but wow!
Epic edit ! Motivation ! Thank you !
FACTS , Tristan ! FACTS ….I know Ive said this , couple weeks ago , haha , but Adam Diclaudio of the A.T.X. Flatland crew , told like 10 of us , @ one of their Saturday bmx jams that they have like , EVERY Saturday ….he told us after we all finished riding for the day / night .about him riding all night @ Chenga World skate park , with Scott Powell , and Szilaygi , back in , I think , 2001 , Fall season . Just like ya stated Tristan , about Marton doing SO much stuff …..Adam said during their , like 6 HOUR session , @ Chenga….. Szilaygi DIDNT really REPEAT any variations , techniques AT ALL …….Adam said he IS like a Gouin , Meyer , Jones , Degroot , Catlow , type of rider, saying that he CAN do like COUNTLESS stuff and has a MASSIVE tricktionary on his bike ! Youre SPOT ON , Tristan ! He does what MANY , cant ! His bmx video , titled PARADE , WAAAAAAAY back, 1997 ………..Im STILL watching his section in it …….TODAY !! He just RULING aggressive links on BOTH wheels , riding to a rapper , PARIS , a re-mix track , that SLLLLAAAAAAAMMMZZZZ so damn HAAAARD with his riding style ! Its SUCH a dope video section by him , Tristan !!
Odyssey 99er in 2019. Nice.
Yep, Marton should be proud to be mentioned with the likes of the other riders Rodney. And great observation about the Ody seat in this day haha!. Have fun ridin & stay safe this Xmas everyone, smile.
This is bangin’
This is awesome, he’s still crushing it!!
Yes Marton! So good!! Powerful as always. Thank you.
Amazing riding, always good to watch!
49 years young and still killing it, respect!
muito bom
Many thanks for the positive comments! Keep riding and Happy New Year!