Must Watch: Sebastian Grubinger / Reminiscence

I have no idea what’s going on right now with all these amazing edits, but I love it! We are currently in “Must Watch” season a few months earlier than I anticipated.
And this man, Heresy’s Sebastian Grubinger’s continues to be one of my favourite riders, video parts were made of this guy and he doesn’t disappoint here revisiting some classic Grubinger lines that still hold up to this day. I’ll be watching this one for a while, and you might well be too!

Highlights for me:

00:28: peg to peg boomerang to switch foot backwards peg wheelie pivot to backwards rolling straddle-roni.
1:09: Whiplash around the bars to Karl 360 bar flip out.
1:39: A forwards bar flip Karl line I’ve wanted to see Sebastian re-do for years.

6 thoughts on “Must Watch: Sebastian Grubinger / Reminiscence

  1. THAT was a 180 to a……5 4 0 BAR FLIP on that Karl line ! I caught that , sure did. Grubinger slammed that down with authority. Whiplashing in front of his bars ,one handed even ?! As difficult as ya like and could ask for. The no handed rope before the rolling undertaker was also THE SEEEZZZZ ( meaning very stylish . ) His new roll-rang pop to cross rocket to roller-taker ruled ,too. New stuff and a very vibing song and feel to this edit. Sebastian gave us all ANOTHER rad look into his progression……MUST WATCH ( I actually almost bought a Heresy frame after riding Scott Obrien’s set up @ the last 2019 Flatland Voodoo Jam , watching their team ride …….. Hell bruv , THAT alone makes ya want to buy one ! )

  2. I wish the Heresy Team WOULD of been there riding @ that last 2019 Flatland Voodoo Jam. THAT would have been great ! So rad Grubinger spicing up that Karl line. I still have the issue of Dig BMX magazine where he got a bio/ photo doing the 360 version. Grubinger rules……thank you , Big-E for this post !

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