Manila Trip by Paulo Gepulango

MANILA TRIP from Paulo Gepulango on Vimeo.

At 18 mins this is a long edit, heres the word from Paulo:

“i’m back on this 8th edit of mine:
this time we made a plane trip from Bacolod to manila city with my girlfriend for the architecture board exams and for the flatland events. luckily i passed the exams and won some contests.
in this edit, it features the trips we made with my flatland buddies Renz (st. martin rider), Alan (Draven rider) Elmer and Honey to the near by cities of Candelaria, Lucena, Makati and Las pinas for the BMX events.
this trip is the most memorable for me so far. Great riding, good times, nice places, cool people, nice spots and a lot more.
thanks for all the people who made this trip a good one,
hope you enjoy my 8th edit.”