Who remembers this one? Martti Kuoppa freestylin’ at his indoor training spot in Helsinki, Finland right before the 2007 Red Bull Circle of Balance. I still go back to this one ever so often, and always gets me hyped to ride.
Who remembers this one? Martti Kuoppa freestylin’ at his indoor training spot in Helsinki, Finland right before the 2007 Red Bull Circle of Balance. I still go back to this one ever so often, and always gets me hyped to ride.
Funny , Big -E ! I too always go back to this edit of Martti also , to get pumped to session . Sometimes viewing it a day before a session to really let his crazy combos sink in , haha. The thing that’s so wild to me is how ridiculously technical and down right friggin hard every combo is for a freestyle session . Hes NOT chilling in these lines at all , freestyling some of his hardest switches . Like his Errol destroyer- hiker juggler , passing with the seat ……the dude comes directly out of that switch……DIRECTLY to a pivot to x-leg half hiker , pivot back to x-leg hiker , picks that up to a quick side squeak -body varial to side yard / packer ….then KEEPS flowing , haha….. and his side yard , leap over the bar , landing to steam ……he goes for that , casually lands on the FRAME , instead of the peg , rolling that …..like , eh , whatever ..no big deal , then just continues the line …a lot of all his insane switches are just thrown at random throughout these links . Some hammer type stuff you would assume would be kinda done on their own . I like you , E could talk about this edit for an hour straight , Ive watched it countless times over . When he dropped this, it really , really made me realize even more just how hard he worked to dial ALL of his stuff , that 1 in 30 type of stuff , dialing it till the point of 10 for 10 . I remember his piece in the 2007 Cream BMX book , him talking about HOW he would make train to get to that point……..how disciplined he had to be ……starting his FIRST session @ 8 A.M. , with two more sessions throughout . He would endure that EVERY day……dedication , TIMES 7…………
Much to like,& see how it’s influenced many.
I might be the only person to have never seen this, and sorry that I’m late to the party but holy shit, this has to be the best flatland session I’ve ever seen put to tape period!
Just phenomenal!
This was 2007……….2007 ! The level of the tricks , transitions in every single one of these freestyled lines is simply amazing and would seriously do damage @ ANY contest in the world ,today in 2022…………..2007 , insane….