Throwback Thursdays with Trevor Meyer!

Two dope sections from 2005! Trevor Meyer killing the LBC for his parts in Intrikat Mixt! Love the kickflip lines in these, in the first the 360 kickflip steam combo with a xft spinning hitch flip to backpacker! at 0:50. And the second edit at 1:23 the 360 Halfhiker kickflip combo! Both combos amazing to this day! Huge bag of tricks from Mr Meyer!

21 thoughts on “Throwback Thursdays with Trevor Meyer!

  1. One of my favourites EVER! He is a real freestyler who can do all styles of tricks! As Chase said he is an incredible freestyler and this is AMAZING! And still riding and kicking ass! Much respect for the tallest flatlander on earth!

  2. that bike looks soo long. always liked trevors riding since i saw 2 hip ‘life on the edge’. he is one of flatlands great’s. don’t know why he used to get so much flack from some riders. he has done some classic timeless combo’s that still stand out today, won numerous x games. respect to trevor.

    • @denny – jealousy. I used to compete against Trevor. I was in awe the whole time, never saw him totally blow a run ever. Def one of the all time greats! His bag of tricks is vast! Much respect always!

  3. I think he got flack from other riders who accused him of being a Chase clone. Whether true or not, he no doubt eventually made enough original contributions to the sport to negate/overcome any such claims.

  4. Trevor is one of the best riders ever with one of the best attitudes in the sport. he’s just genuinely humble and nice. I hate the fact that people over the years gave the guy some grief over nabbing a few tricks from Chase, but let’s be real, if you could “steal” Chase’s tricks, would you NOT?

    Yeah, thought so. 🙂

  5. Trevor rode with a few of us in Cambridge Ma last year, first time I ever met him. He was totally cool and very humble.
    At the time I was working on a Messiah combo and was struggling with it all day.
    When I finally pulled it Trevor came running over out of know where! He was totally pumped for me and gave me a high 5.
    Lots of respect for Trevor!

  6. Excellent point TJ! Kuoppa and Farris would have been all over Chase’s tricks if they had the ability to learn them.

    @Effraim, yeah it was jealousy, Martti got a lot of flack too when he was dominating the contest scene from what I hear. A lot of people ripped off Chase’s jumplashes but not his double rolaids.

  7. It just seems boring to do someone else’s shit when you’re THAT good! Trevor is the nicest guy you’ll ever meet, but Viki’s right.

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