Vancouver Flat Jam – Sessions from Level Up on Vimeo.
This week has already been awesome for content here on Flatmattersonline, and it continues right here with a beauty from the summer Vancouver flatland jam. A couple of riders travelled from FISE in Edmonton over to Vancouver for the flat jam and enjoyed some wicked sessions the day before the jam. The first day the crew rode the circle spot which is small but overlooks downtown Vancouver. On the second day everyone travelled by ferry to Victoria, on Vancouver Island, and rode a couple cool spots including one on top of a mountain and in a forest. Lot of flatland history from Vancouver, Canada. Stoked to see this today!
Riders: Jean-William Prevost, Hidenoi Ishizaki, Percy Marshall, Tall Pall, Greg Pratt, Francois Debroux, Cory Fester, and Joey Kyllo.
Filming credits: Francois Debroux, Percy Marshall and Joey Kyllo.
Man that was pretty good!