Must Watch – Nice Nice Very Nice! (a BMX Flatland film by Steven Lapsley)

Nice Nice Very Nice! (a BMX Flatland film by Steven Lapsley) from Diversion TV on Vimeo.

A Nice, Nice, Very Nice treat for us all today! With the follow up to Forget What You Heard, Steven Lapsley set out to continue to showcase riders who you may not see as often. His goal is to create a wild fast-paced vibe that brings you back to the days of punk rock on cassette and BMX on VHS.”

From the very offset as news broke of the video, I was excited by the rider list. A nice mix of styles and like Steven wanted, riders you don’t see that often. I was lucky enough to get a preview about a week ago, I was so stoked on the riding and in particular the parts from Mates Tucek, Raphael Chiquet and a part from Pedro Melo that I believe will stand the test of times for years to come. Rather than a massive description, let’s switch this up and discuss this one in the comments section. I am eager to hear what you all think of this.

Let me finish by saying thanks Steven for efforts here, full videos are a rarity. Much appreciated. Its time for a rewind with my morning cuppa.

“A film by Steven Lapsley featuring Enoki Takahiro, Fabien Stephan, Gurvan Le Bloc’h, Mates Tucek, Pedro Melo, Raphael Chiquet, and Varo Hernandez.”

Download it: