Alex Jumelin wins Fise 2012!

Results are in from Fise 2012! Alex Jumelin took the win, with JFB second, and Thomas Noyer in third place. Congrats to Alex, JFB and Thomas!

1-Alex Jumelin
2-Jean Francois Boulianne
3-Thomas Noyer
4-Romain George
5-Joris Bretagnolles
6-Guelo Monzon
7-Alberto Moya
8- Jonathan Venegas
9- Matthias Augris

23 thoughts on “Alex Jumelin wins Fise 2012!

  1. yes very good ,makes you wonder why he has rear pegs though ,no rear wheel tricks and 1st place mmmm bit of variety does not matter anymore ?

  2. Dear Hollande you so easy to wind up stop rising to the bait haha ,just for the record Paul does more back wheel moves than front nowadays as i spent a month in Nor Cal in January with Mutt,Drew Arroyo,Marcel Tremblay etc we stayed over at Pauls place in the forest we rode where he has his own concrete home made flatland area and i don’t know if it’s escaped your notice but Paul has not ridden a comp in over 10/12 years or so, so he’s not on the comp scene so any lack of variey he does is irrelevant.
    Just for the record this is a blog where opinions differ ,we are critic’s as such we share the same passion but don’t always see eye to eye on everything, get used to it.

  3. When Paul Osicka did ride comps he rode front and back as in variety something which now Alex does’nt even before he was on Standard Paul had variety Alex used to but not now ,go research it before blabbing about something which you clearly are clueless about.

  4. You spent a month in Nor Cal? When I was in Nor Cal last fall I was told by a good source that Paul Osicka doesn’t live in Nor Cal anymore.. He moved to Ecuador for good. That’s crazy you rode with those guys since I don’t know that anyone has heard from Marcel Tremblay since Precision Products.

    Off topic, I know, but I was just curious.

    Alex Jumelin is killing it lately, congrats on the win.

  5. Did anyone see Paul’s commercial for the Tao, back in the day? Back wheel pinky squeaks?! I still haven’t seen those since then!

  6. I heard that Marcel actually passed away this year, but never got confirmation…anyone know if this is correct?

    on a brighter note, congrats Alex!

  7. wow congrats to alex jumelin..

    and what marcel? what happened to him?

    sorry also for the off topic.

  8. Marcel cashed my check and didnt even bother to hide the fact that he never intended to send product.

    If he’s dead then atleast he wont prey on riders and rip people off anymore. When you become a addict you are not yourself anymore, you are just a shell of a negative existence.

    Paul is in the andes and I talk to him regularly on facebook. I know he did make a trip to california in the past year but I do not know the date ranges.

    On a side note – I watched the Thomas Noyer video before watching this and it appears atleast from the edit that he absolutely nailed his links. If he landed even one of those in the final round it appeared much higher in variety and difficulty in any of alex’s landed links (most of which were failed?). I would like to see the unedited foty for final rounds ….there was alot of drama last year with alex getting beat and then demanding a rematch after the judges scored jesse higher. Did he deserve the win? Or favortism involved for him like meyer over ucchie last year.

    • Any news on marcel would be welcome. I can’t comment on the Precision deal cause I know nothing about it.
      You have what happened last year a lil bit out of line Sean, the judges (I was one of them) complained the results were not as we scored… enough of that already, though, yawns…
      Fise is 3 minute run format, so no real need to see unedited footage. This is it.

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