James White: Hitchhiker While Reading Moon Babes of Bicycle City by Mike Daily

UK Plywood Hood James White stars in this quick promo for Mike Daily’s new book “Moon babes of Bicycle City”, all details on how-to get hold of the book below…

“Ride Now, Read Now

Moon Babes of Bicycle City Bike Club Member #042 James White aka Whiteski does a hitchhiker while reading Mike Daily’s new novel in Kent, England.

Video production by Nathan Powell Design. Music by Progeny. Fiction by Mike Daily.

“Second Printing Forever” of Moon Babes of Bicycle City (4/3/20)

Signed Book Bundle available from Bandcamp (Direct from Author)

Moon Babes of Bicycle City available from Amazon

The first 2-Hip Meet the Street BMX contest that Ron Wilkerson held in Southern California on 4/30/88 is a significant event that Mike Daily builds upon in Moon Babes of Bicycle City. The book starts on Friday, 10/11/19, with Rodderick Moon and Mick O’Grady pedaling Rodd’s bikecar replica of the ’76 Chrysler Cordoba that Ron W had at the contest.

Rodd and Mick are pedaling the bikecar from Cavern City Air Terminal in Carlsbad, New Mexico, to Bicycle City, where cars have been outlawed and the terrain is a world like no other. Rodd Moon and his wife Chatauqua run a bike shop there called Moon Babes Retire Bikes.

Rodd’s prototype “2020 BikeCardoba” is primer grey in the opening scenes. It’s prepped to be duct taped, spray painted, and thrashed as an obstacle on Saturday, 10/12/19.

Sunday, 10/13/19, is a Full Moon.


The First Printing of only 100 copies was a pocket-size paperback that readers received by Friday, 10/11/19–the exact date of the novel’s opening scenes. MBoBC Bike Club Members received their copies (and limited edition merch extras including poster prints of the 2-Hip Cordoba, stacks of stickers, and much more) direct from the author in time to read the book in “real time” if they chose to do so.

A modern day monument to BMX Freestyle culture and innovative fiction, this “Second Printing Forever” (4/3/20) of Mike Daily’s new novel Moon Babes of Bicycle City is a remastered edition that features a Foreword by Ron W, an Afterword by Matt D’Angelo, and a timeline tracking reader-participation milestones.

RAD meets Breaking Bad in Bicycle City, New Mexico.

Cover Design, Illustrations, and Book Layout by Nathan Powell.

5.5″ x 8.5″, 200 pages.

“Moon Babes of Bicycle City, the new book by Mike Daily is being delivered to mailboxes worldwide!”–Steve Brothers, BMX Society

“It’s a novel. A few hours’ read. What’s it like? Imagine hanging out with your crew and meeting other crews. Road trip. New town–locals’ rules. All the stuff you say is a mash-up of puns, one-ups, and references to obscure bike parts or magazine captions. Total linguistic freestyle. Tricking every surface and interaction. That’s what it’s like to read this.”–Scuffington Post

“As an independent project this is executed at a high level (consistent with all of Daily’s work). It’s written with style, edited with integrity and designed with intent. If you want to get a taste of what BMX was like in the fictionalized sun baked bicycle-powered old school, this is a feast. I think what makes it cool and shelf-worthy is its complete originality.”–Mark Lewman

“Nowhere. And I mean nowhere! Will you ever hear anything like this. A story, using BMX word play, strung together in a completely surreal yet weirdly familiar way. At times poetic, at others it’s just flat out freaky. This had me smiling one second then in awe of word play the next, all the while being completely immersed in this strange tale.”–James White

“This book is dope. You should cop it.”–Bobby Loveless


Free Download of Audiobook Track “Moon Babes of Bicycle City, Novel, Chapter 9 feat. Progeny” (October 2, 2019) by Mike Daily


Throwback Thursdays: Cory Fester / Battle in the Rockies Video Contest

The Battle in the Rockies video contest for a plane ticket to BITR 2014 got heated. Cory Fester is no stranger to dropping ridiculous video parts, Cory truly went on this entry. I mean I just watched this now and still am in awe not only of the line. But the bike toss at the end is enough to get our riding right now!