Thanks to Todd Carter you can watch the pro runs in order from this weekends FA Battleground contest in Ohio. Great runs from the likes of Benjamin Hudson, Pete Brandt, Jean William Prevost and many more!
Thanks to Todd Carter you can watch the pro runs in order from this weekends FA Battleground contest in Ohio. Great runs from the likes of Benjamin Hudson, Pete Brandt, Jean William Prevost and many more!
Thanks Effraim!
Thanks Todd, really enjoying watching the runs in this playlist format.
Nice! Thanks for sharing Todd! It’s nice to be able to watch and enjoy it as a spectator instead of with my judge’s category cap on. anyone get the best trick?
looks like Terry got Best Trick!
Thanks Todd. I can’t wait to have my iced coffee and watch this after work.
So fun watching Benjamin ride and so cool to be acknowledged by some of the most important names ever in freestyle judging wise. What´s up with that floor?