Launching the Flatmattersonline Merchandise Store!


Today after much gnashing of teeth I am proud to launch the Flatmattersonline Merchandise Store! This has been a goal of mine for many years, and with the graphic design skills of Johann Chan. We are finally able to make this a reality!

Support Flatmattersonline by getting yourself, the very first limited edition FM t-shirt and hoodie.

Link to buy:

Photo credit: @matthocopan


Effraim Catlow / Flatmattersonline

19 thoughts on “Launching the Flatmattersonline Merchandise Store!

  1. I’ll probably buy some merch in the near future. Your one of the hardest working people for the sport of flatland.

  2. Fuck yeah E!! Glad you did this. Gets me pumped on the chance to rep and support FM as I’m out and about, whether it be riding in the lot or getting groceries. I already signed up for my hoodie and T, going be amped when it shows up at my place on this side of the pond!
    With everything Effraim does on the site for us riders world wide, it would be next level awesome if everyone posting on here could show some love and support if/when you can get the chance. Thanks Big E for carrying out your P.R.R and then some for flatland. Nothing but love. Everyone ride on and just enjoy the feeling of feeling good on your bike…

    …and maybe do it whilst rockin some fresh FM gear!

  3. First of all STOKED , TIMES 7 on THIS , Big -E !! ( You know my order is placed ! ) Second just WHAT are you switching / twitching into , both feet on the tire ??! Looks VERY technical and ” Catlow Style ” ! I’d love to see video of this new transition . Like I said …….a brake to your riding is like a n18 POUND complete bike to Sergio Layos , as he’s flowing through a Red Bull Dream Line dirt course , haha…….but again , E ….I’m SUPER THRILLED about this ! Your very own FLATMATTERSONLINE.COM merch shop , with soft goods , etc……I personally believe that EVERY single rider who frequents this site , rides Flatland , hell ….BMXers in general SHOULD /NEED to support your merch shop ! I’m with BZ , you’ve contributed LOADS in Flatland progression , originality ON the bike . LOADS of selfless contributions in the sport ……THIS site , magazine work , judging , coaching the next generation of riders , design work within the BMX industry , banged out LOADS of progressive video parts , contest runs , organized AND created jams , contests ( K.O.C. ! ) and I’m sure a TON of other sacrifices for the greater good of the sport that I bet ……people aren’t even aware of , no b.s. ,bruv !! Here’s the new order to ANYONE on THIS site……..SUPPORT your merch shop …..AND film a FLATMATTERSONLINE.COM Exclusive video clip , hell … TWO !! Let’s ALL make sure Effraim’s merch shop STAYS afloat and thrives ……AND get that ECLUSIVE count to it’s 100th episode !! After all……THIS SITE is the most SLLLLLAMMMMMED community for GLOBAL coverage of the sport / artform that we ALL live AND love……..nuff said !!

  4. some of the Best News all year! my Flat Bible T just arrived over the weekend, now I’ve got the legendary Flat Matters T on the way! thanks for all you Big E, much love & respect to you good sir

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