François Debroux Rider Profile: Old Dog, New Tricks

There have been many great riders to come out Western Canada over the years. Some of these riders don’t travel and are not active on Social Media. The Grizzly Jam contest is pushed back to next year so our focus is temporarily shifting to tell the unique stories of these riders.

First up is François Debroux, a BMX lifer involved in the sport since the early days. What makes François’s story interesting is that he came back to flatland a few years ago, and is now progressing faster then ever even though he turns 50 this year! Dont’ this miss this one!! Enjoy…

4 thoughts on “François Debroux Rider Profile: Old Dog, New Tricks

  1. Mad respect to this dude ! Returning to this sport’s relentless , unforgiving , CONSTANTLY evolving progression of tricks / links……AFTER a long hiatus , just jumping back on the “steel horse ” and learning , dialing in the new school techniques / concepts ….that’s so freaking dope ! I vividly recall the beginning of 2000 , the push of ALOT of new school riding jumping off GLOBALLY , things just going FULL ON APE , haha…and thinking to myself ” Ohhhh sh-t ! Guess I’m gonna MAYBE learn a lil bit of this stuff……but the majority of my riding / progression stops right here ! ” hahaha……I just took my 1984 through 1998 riding style and just mixed stuff up ,blended it and just focused on having fun . ( still pushing myself , but definitely NOT trying to ” keep up with the Jones’s ” . Hell , bruv …….I couldn’t , haha…I was still trying to learn Jason Brown’s ,r.i.p. , Effraim’s , Leo Dumlao’s , and Nathan Penonzek’s stuff from 1996 , haha……..THAT’S WHY I FULLY commend Francois for conquering and harnessing the NEW school wave of riding …..ESPECIALLY @ an older age ! Again….MAD RESPECT to him . I enjoyed his story , his riding and the motivational vibe , feel to this edit ……start to finish !

  2. ALSO ! His manual to rocket to time machine line , the hitchhiker juggle , with the cross ankle death roll jump to swivel to BRAKELESS decade ( totally didn’t see THAT coming ! ) line , and the opposite whiplash to hang five to messiah line……all his combos RIPPED ! Even how he passes the cross ankle death ,directly to double foot back yard roll , to pivot / bike varial exit ( no scuffing , the new school way ! ) that combo RULED as well ! It’s rad to discover riders like this that have been SLLLAMMMMING the game ……exactly WHY I love this site . ( GLOBAL BMX Flatland ,411…. 24-7 -365 . ) Keep riding , Mr. Debroux ……….

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