Today we were a few riders, so I filmed 1 combo of each of us. Many Madrid riders left.
Riders (order of appearance): Alex Plaza, Mario Garcia Correas, Alex(O.F.), David Carmona, Jorge Salas, Varo Hernandez, Facundo, Jose (Murcia), Jose Lizcano, Morgan Peckosh, Gloria, Fernando Bayona, Guelo Monzon, Alberto Moya & Santi Notario.
The fact that most of these riders look to be in their teens is astounding. thats a healthy group of am’s!
Most definitely! Thats what I took out if it also!
Absolutely. Almost all are under 18, and there are a lot more riders who didnt come. Actually anyone called anyone, I just went to ride, and then all the riders apear 1 by 1.