If you are in the San Diego area, Dave Nourie and Robert Peterson will be battling it out outside Hamels in San Diego from mid day onwards. Get down here if you can….
If you are in the San Diego area, Dave Nourie and Robert Peterson will be battling it out outside Hamels in San Diego from mid day onwards. Get down here if you can….
Gonna be a good one! Come on out
Yes Sir! I’ll see you there!!
I would LOVE to make it out for this but not sure I can pull it off with the short notice but I’m gonna try! It’s almost an 8 hour drive and gas prices are just insane right now but I’ll see what I can do, haven’t ridden with another Flatlander in over a decade so I’d soooo love to be there for this.
SUCCESS! It looks like I got the thumbs up to go, so I should be there (YES!) so if this gets cancelled or postponed or anything PLEASE update here, this is a long expensive trip so I’d hate to go and find out the morning off that it’s been rescheduled or something, lol!
This is gonna be so awesome!