Grenoblos flatland video from grenoblos on Vimeo.
Quentin Pelorson delivers the standout part in this awesome Grenoble scene edit, the forward karl kruzer stepover to halfpacker at 11:26 is intense, but thats not all!! We are being spoilt for quality edits right now! Enjoy this whilst it lasts! ref- SOPA.. Tunney breaks it down in the link below, the Internet will never be the same again if this goes ahead!
quentin’s progression so amazing, and fun rounds of john
so good! Thanks to Quentin for sending this in!
DAMN. that was amazing. respect to dude. music was awesome too.
yea that last guy has a very upgraded style from all the style that is going on now :p he just took it to another level
Man, some amazing riding in that vid. I recognized a few of those spots too. I’d love to go back and session with the new blood. Is artzone still around?
David Artzone don’t live in Grenoble anymore. But you are welcome here !