Fistaile Flatland Jam – Brazil

Two events went down last weekend in Brazil at the Fistaile jam and Overground, check out the results below. Congratulations to all the winners! In the meantime enjoy the riding from the likes of Bruno Zebu, Elon Oliveira, Gilberto Rocha, Ederson Nene, and more jamming to a mix of Deltron “Positive Contact”…

1st Pedro Rabelo
2nd Marcos Aurélio “Catraca”
3rd Erlon Oliveira

1st Fernando Takeshi
2nd Reinaldo “Foreca”
3rd Edio Jr Palhoça

1st Antônio Carlos “Xuxu”
2nd Clovison Alves “Clovin”
3rd Valkir Juliano

1st Bruno “Zebú”
2nd Erik Soares Santos
3rd Lísias Tabarelli Piracicaba