It’s been a minute since we have dropped a Flatmattersonline Exclusive, so much so that a few heads asked is it still going?!!!
The answer to that is of course yes, this belongs to you. If you have a clip, send it in. I was also in the middle of running the 2020 Flatmattersonline awards, and there is only so much time in the day to get stuff done.
We kick start the FM exclusives back up in 2021, with a few firsts for the site:
1. Obviously this is the first exclusive of the year.
2. This is the first female rider featured on the exclusive.
3. I announce a new category to the 2021 Flatmattersonline Year end awards.
Without further a due, it is time to introduce Irina Sadovnik the UCI 2019 World Champion , who stepped up to the task of throwing down the first video of the 2021. Irina reached out “Hey Effraim, I wish to put some light onto the women flatland riders out there”. I was of course down, she said was buzzing with excitement and when you watch the clip you will why.
With all of Irina’s well documented knee injuries, she is a massive inspiration for me and I am sure you at home. This line is a tough one, and the emotion she shows got me stoked.
To document share and progress, this is Flatland right here!
Thanks Irina, for stepping up. Whose got the next clip?
Can we get to 100 exclusives by the end of the year?
Photo credit: @stefan.csaky