There’s a lot to admire about Matthias Dandois’ riding, I’m personally always amazed at his work ethic, constantly away from home and still progressing and dialled as ever! That’s not easy, this new Haro Bikes edit where he teamed up with Christian Rigal in Paris and San Diego and blends the line between flatland and street further.
We all know Matthias as a dialled contest rider, take a look at Matthias throw legit flat/ street lines down, this is very much a different Must Watch than what I would normally give. This edit really gave me a feel of how natural Matthias’ riding has become.
Some of the highlights for me:
– The triple backwards manual g-turn line at 1:11!
– Half cab half whopper xft inside steam line at 2:47!
– The carved backwards manual line followed by the half cab 5 manual line at 3:52 onwards.
– The ending half cab ago over rail and stairs at 4:29 is balls out, especially I hate to say it but for a flatlander!
Hit play to watch one of the most diverse riders on the planet, do his thing!