Last week I had the pleasure to judge the final round of the Ultimate Flatland League live on Zoom. What a contest it was, the feeling was like regular contest just from the comfort of my own home. Congratulations to Kio Hayakawa, Alex Jumelin, Matthias Dandois, Toon, Terry Adams, and Sietse van Birkel for taking flatland up a notch. Loved this, go watch this now!
ROUND 3 – MK Format Zoom battle:
1st: Kio Hayakawa
2nd (tie): Alex Jumelin
2nd (tie): Matthias Dandois
3rd: Pakphum “Toon” Poosa-Art
4th: Terry Adams
5th: Sietse Van Berkel
Ultimate Flatland League final ranking positions after all 3 rounds:
1st: Kio Hayakawa 27000 points
2nd: Alex Jumelin 23580 points
3rd: Matthias Dandois 22860 points
4th: Pakphum “Toon” Poosa-Art 20790 points
5th: Terry Adams 19890 points
6th: Sietse Van Berkel 19440 points
Many thanks for all competitiors, judges, sponsors and spectators!
York Uno
Effraim Catlow
Sebastian Grubinger
Man , this was good ! Just as ( in my opinion . ) nail biting as a live contest . I was hyped watching it . Superb job to every rider , judge , Martii …..and the U.F.L. ! Everyone was REALLY going for it , chucking the BMX dice , TIMES 7….so many astounding combos pulled , thrown down . Kio is one SLLLAMMMMED rider ! I seriously can’t believe what he’s done , created and is FULLY capable of on his bike . Colony bikes ” peep gamed ” BIG TIME , scooping him up quick for their roster . EVERYONE busted out this year and I’ll have this video on repeat ! Toon , Sieste ….hell YEESSSSS to their runs ! Like I already said ….this was really rad ……these zoom battle were awesome !
Congrats to Martti for making something happen while the world is in lockdown. Well done to all involved and Kio’s run was just wow!
I really love competing in this every year ! It pushes one’s personal progression while REALLY testing your patience , trying to get that one pain the ass dream trick / line , haha……I’ve said this a trillion times already. The chase , oh man…..THE CHASE of 100 failed attempts ,just to finally get something pulled ONCE is such a rush and after the 38th try when you get past the frustration , haha… actually becomes a lil bit fun because you’re just relentlessly chasing till you finally get it ! Placing in this contest isn’t important to me personally . What’s REALLY important is just contributing , supporting the event …….then at the end ( final round of the elites . ) sitting back with a cuppa ( as E says ! ) ,enjoying , being stoked watching the battles and taking in motivation for the next year . Like I already stated …….THIS edit , wow ! It’s so damn rad . It was intense and super dope seeing all the riders really go for it . All these cats hit some crazy original , difficult stuff ! U.F.L. has done it yet AGAIN , mad respect !! Like the Stanley Cup of BMX Flatland or something ……….