Welcome back, after some technical difficulties we are back! Episode 45 of the Flatmattersonline exclusives with Chris Böhm, Chris is one of the most energetic riders in the game, the man is all over social media like a rash and makes life work as a professional flatlander. Chris comes through with a heavy freestyle line, especially like the hang 5 switch foot ankle death switch in this one. I don’t recall seeing this too much, I am sure that will change now, this switch is amazing!
Thank you to Chris for contributing, we are edging closer to the 50 mark.
Whose got episode 46? Dropping Wednesday…
Friggin energizer bunny could use some coaching from Chris. That whole line was full tilt!
He doesnt need to hear it but he is super good. Can do anything. And that manic energy when used for good is incredible. Killer line! Hau rein!
His speed and flow is fantastic ! Athletic brakeless energy+++
Wow. That ankle death. So awesome.
Show rider with more than just crowd pleasing tricks. He has the full arsenal. DMC style with modern tricks. So good.
Thx guys for your positive words and RIDE ON!
Chris booom!!