10 thoughts on “Matthias Dandois – X VLNC

  1. tidy tricks for tight spots. kinda reminds me of a an abandoned old boys village me and Matti Hemmings have shot photos and video in South Wales. A church, swimming pool, school, gym etc. not as good as on Matthias video location though as some parts are unsafe due to fires and vandalism over the years.

  2. I liked it…but then again I like flatland and old abandoned buildings. Plus it’s different than just the same riding in a parking lot somewhere.

  3. Matthias riding is always amazing, there’s no arguing that !!

    but the first half of the edit is only about nice pictures and nice editing, and although it is super well done and beautiful, i find it boring from a riders standpoint, because it is not at all about riding.

    someday we will see an edit with a rider, and no riding at all !! wich i find funny in a way πŸ˜‰ this would make me laugh, but in a good way πŸ˜‰ could be a sort of joke…maybe ?

  4. Hey Julien,

    I’ve seen that edit. It was a street thing, animal from memory. I thought sweet, a street vid but it was a rider hangin with his bike and turning his hat around. Seemed to be more about the branding than the riding, fuck there was no riding. Massive fail on their part IYAM.

    Did Matthias stub his toe at the end?

  5. Ok guys, as the editor of this video I just wanted to clarify some points. The purpose of this edit wasn’t to show a video of riding only. I wanted to make a concept which was showing an original spot with good photography, and I wanted to set the mood with the intro. Of course if before watching it you’re all pumped on expecting AWESOME riding only with pumped up music, you’re gonna be dissapointed. As matthias said it: “No crazy riding but good times with friends!”

    You just have to see the video from different point of view.

    As for the music, I know it is used a lot, especially by Red Bull, but I think it was a good music for the mood and imagery.

    PS: That place used to be a public swimming pool on a island near paris

  6. kevin, i agree totally, this video is amazingly well done, beautiful, etc…great pictures, great scenery, it has it all. good job Kevin !

    as you said it yourself riders expecting intense riding can be surprised, or disapointed. as usual it’s always about understanding what the person in front of you is trying to say.

    i wasn’t trying to say anyhting bad about the video…i hope you understand that.

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