Real City Spin – Montreal BMX World Circuit Competition promo

Montreal BMX World Circuit Competition : Real City Spin from IGI BMX on Vimeo.

“Uniting the scene to share the moment and celebrate our love for BMX: That’s what RealCitySPin is all about.
Montreal is the literal manifestation of an international community excelling at thriving and working together hand in hand with people from all around the globe. It is on this note that we warm fully welcome the riders from 18 countries coming to participate in any and every activity that we have planned throughout the upcoming RealCitySpin weekend.

RealCitySpin is taking place August 27-28 at le TAZ Skatepark at 8931 Papineau Boul. in Montreal, Expect PRO FINALS from 3PM on Sunday the 28th to be the moment you wouldn’t want to miss.
Entrance is 15$ a day or for the weekend and 12 years old or younger is 5$ and under 5 is free!
Visit our website and give ouir FB page a like and our Instagram a follow @realcityspin, for more information on the event and how to take part in it!”