Congratulations to Ayuna Miyashima winner of the Women’s UCI World Championship this morning here in Abu Dhabi, Ayuna was followed on the podium by Veronika Kadar and Anna Mondics, with first place qualifier Kiara Nagakawa in fourth place. Great contest!!
Congratulations to Yu Shoji winner of the UCI world championship semi final under the lights here in Abu Dhabi, followed by Yu Katagiri, Matthias Dandois and Jean William Prevost. The top 4 we’re all in the 90’s. Amazing level tonight, finals tomorrow!
The first preliminary round just got done here in sunny Abu Dhabi for the 2024 UCI World Championships. Congratulations to Yu Katagiri taking the top spot followed by Matthias Dandois and Yu Shoji. Top 12 make semi finals tomorrow.
Here’s one that slipped under my radar after Nous released the Summer Vacation on IG a while back. I remember thinking I hope they release this on YT, so much easier to watch and enjoy.
1. It’s really good that Nous BMX made a full production, and are showing their video on all social media platforms, thats the way to do it. This video was part of the Moto Bunka Film Festival in the summer.
2. Great feel, and production, music, locations from their summer tour, camera work all spot on here, gave me the feel in production like Diversion had..
3. Of course let’s talk about the riding, Takatora Hishikawa is an amazing talent, winner of the No Saga run contest this summer shows why with this insane back wheel line at 1:15, so much style from this kid. Nice to see that Nous seem to grow and help the younger generation on their journey to pro level, that’s what sponsorship is all about.
4.I talked about this guy in previous FM year end awards, the up and coming Ren Oshima rips with killer bike flip lines at 2:25, and 6:04. So much power in his riding, big future for all these Nous cats.
5. I’ll be honest, it’s motivating for me to see more high level content going onto Vimeo and Youtube, so we have something to talk about. Let’s grow Flatland, Nous have been smart with this production, I hope others follow!
Out here at the 2024 UCI World Championships on Abu Dhabi, temperatures around 24c. Feels a lot cooler than two years, which is better for riding.
Mellow first day today getting accreditation and checking out the area. Looking forward to a full week of the highest level of flatland riding. Good luck everyone competing, let’s go!
It’s that time of year, the Flatmattersonline Year Awards for 2024 are upon us. The readers of FM have around a month to vote, so plenty of time for you to consider your votes for Rider of the Year, Edit of the Year, Female Rider of the Year, Contest Run of the Year and the most difficult one, but a fun one to break down, Line of the Year. As always have fun with it!
Reader Choice: Rider of year Edit of Year Female rider of year Contest Run of Year Line of Year
Editorial Vote: Rider of year Must Watch Edit of year Outstanding Contribution Breakthrough Rider of year Brand of the Year
How do you vote? Send your votes through to: – entitled Flatmattersonline Year End Awards 2024. Please vote only by email, it gets too complicated with DM’s, facebook messages etc.
When’s the Deadline for voting? Voting closes Sunday 12th January.
Nominees announced: Sunday January 19th.
Year end award winners announced: Sunday January 26th.
Please note: Voting only counts via email. Plenty of time to go through edits over the new year, and look back via the site on the highlights of the year that will follow over the next few weeks, take your time and good luck and most of all enjoy the process of voting!
Have a good Christmas everyone, and happy new year!
Thanks to everyone who supported the Flatmattersonline 16th anniversary, by dropping a comment, DM or whatever, I appreciate the love!!
Its been a minute since we dropped an OSS, so lets get back to it with this gem from 1987. Dennis McCoy, West Palm Beach Florida, vibing with the Beastie Boys mid way through his run, enjoyed this one!
Good to see this morning, an old face still at it. Jon Knight from the Dope Lordz just dropped this nice progression edit, filmed in the midst of Storm Bert, nice one Jon!
The Matsudo Year end jam hits a little earlier this year, produced by Jimalog. These edits always have a few surprises, and new faces, and this doesn’t disappoint. Imagine being in a scene like that, old faces, new faces, new tricks and styles each year. Let’s talk about this one in the comments section!
As I still celebrate 16 years of Flatmattersonline, it was awesome this morning to get a message from Dan Hennig showing me his new edit. Beautiful quality, camera angles and sharp editing, and plenty of bangers I have never seen before.
From the opening Perverted Rolaid at 00:19 I was intrigued on this one, so great to see Dan visit a forgotten move it feels like, you don’t see many cross foot pedal steams anymore, and Dan unlocks the vault at the 2:01 with a nice cross foot pedal steam to half cab 3’s which he cleans up (I was waiting for the scooter rollback) and it’s not there, to steep decade out to pedals, great line! Worth noting here there’s a big difference in execution with a steep brakeless decade, and one where the front wheel is almost on the floor.
At the 4:00 mark the fakie whooper to brakeless turn bucket to pedals is so clean, loved this one! The camera angles and locations also, I found really cool, he didn’t film any of this edit in his indoor spot, so this feels a little special and well thought out.
Great to see Dan dig a little deeper outside of his contest routine, especially at the 6:08 mark, and the inside ice cream bikeflip to pedals half cab whopper, pure beast, and the final plastic man line mixed in cross pedal steam to half cab 3’s back into half cab to xft steam and ending with regular pedal steam, is solid!
Great work Dan, a man thats battled cancer and has come out swinging. This edit has elevated Dan’s riding and that’s what edits and filming video parts are all about. I’ll be back to watch this one again, stoked!!