Great documentary that follows Japanese flatland heavy hitters, Yu Katagiri, Moto Sasaki and Yu Shoji as they prepare and compete in the Japanese National Championships. This is really worth you sitting down and watching this one, great insight from both Yu Katagiri and Yu Shoji, and Moto. Grab a cuppa!
This was rad ! Thank you , Sir Catlow . The riding footage ,of course was SICK , TIMES 7. I loved the commentary , feel and story line . More of this , please. These 3 are charging BMX Flatland’s evolution and the slow motion effects , and again……the riding clips really ” caps lock ” this statement…MUST WATCH documentary video.
That was very well done for a non-flatlander audience. I love that they emphasized the importance of originality!
Nice video with a great structure and some super-rad riding!
Here’s hoping the BBC in the UK do something like this one day!