You can perhaps forgive me for thinking with winter hitting the “Must Watch” edits were done for 2019, but how wrong I was. Dane Beardsley, one of the most skilled and underrated riders out there in my opinion just dropped a hammer of an edit that has already made my day.
Dane’s riding always strikes a chord with me, whether it’s the thought that goes into the ride on, and ride outs, the clips riding dirt and street. You can just see he loves BMX! Anyone else feel that or just me…
From the first ride in I knew this was going to be good, great imagination on the 180 hop tp x-up smoothie lands cross handed which sets him up for the cross handed whiplash to hitchhiker whip and scuff to backwards cross handed double backwards hitch juggler into swivel boomerang to x-handed half lash position and out! The detail on the cross handed throughout was bang on, what a start!
Throw in a few trails clips, at what looks like his house! And that 360 after the last set is sweet, you can see what I am saying about Dane just loving being on the bike and enjoying all sides of BMX.
At 00:56, I am still only on my third watch and this line is definitely the hardest to describe. Dane goes from a switch handed one handed cyclone position without his foot on the back peg I might add with both wheel on the ground jump pivot to rolling lawn turbine mega spin straightens out to dump truck jump with same foot to ice cream (are you following this?) one kick to two footed backyard body varial jump landing backwards wheelie, quick half bar out! Insane jumps in this one and once again the creativity on the intro and outdo are amazing!
1:28: Multiple x-fted whiplashes shove-it one kick to multiple backwards whiplashes, perfect technique. Love this clip!
2:03, is the last line that is off the chart and no doubt years of craft to be doing this. Dump jump round to backwards rolling ice cream to rope then into backwards straddle come out opposite side g-roll to ice cream back regular rope back to straddle back opposite g-roll to ice cream jump to peg wheelie bar flip out! What an ender!
Top marks on this one from Dane Beardsley! Wow, hitting the rewind throughout the day on this one…
I love it!!!
Love the timeless bmx style too. Rare to one to see -be good at roastin trials and do head scratch flatland flow!
bmx with a b like beautiful
have to show that brilliant piece to a public that do not know bmx well
Very cool flow & difficult tricks!
Nice to see I watched a lot of Dane in the week love way you move around the bike the bmx
Impossible to watch once like all Beardsley videos!
That last combo@incredible loved all of it!
It looks so effortless but it’s so insanely difficult n
Agreed on Dane, a very skillfull rider. From the first time l saw him on Same Thing Daily, l saw a different rider to others, a rider that’s got great creativity , & difficulty, slow but nothin wrong with that, he makes you watch, because he’s that good. Thanks Dane and F’matters.
Totally on brand for someone who’s been smooth as glass and doing his own thing for the last 20 years. The kid is amazing…
Unbelievably skilled, uses both sides and both wheels while making it look effortless.
Really enjoyed watching this one!
Just as E stated , so many details …..lots of technical , difficult details within his ride ins , exits…..during all the combos !! Still taking this one in , haha. Its the small / important things that appeal to me ever since first seeing Danes flow in the first Diversions bmx T.V. video , Bobby Carter did DAMN good , giving THIS cat a riders profile , back in Fall of 2002 ! Stuff like ,say ……when Dane is going from a rocket turbine / stick -b glide , he would pivot on his tire , drop down with the SAME foot he had just pivoted with , or the way he would stylishly spin his bars / forks during ropes and ice creams , him throwing in BACKWARDS manuals , mid-line , x-arm whiplashes , and not to mention the MOST insanely SMOOOOOTH butter slips , around the bars , on BOTH sides of the bike ,whether going to half packer , Karl , or a cross fire haul roll……..SO many quirks , pieces makes his riding so hard , yet look as if hes seriously chilling while in a link , throughout the ENTIRE link ! You just cant buy that kind of style , haha. Also being EQUAL to his creativity on BOTH wheels ….well……..THATS also a major PLUS to his riding . Dane has ALWAYS been original ,too …….TOP guy , TIMES 7 ……..Michelle Maoilani , Joe Cicman , Dane , Giannis Caternellis , George Manos , Sebastien Grubinger , Bruno Zebu , Matthias, Owen Bohm , Raphael Chiquet , Viki , …..all these names are buzzing around my mind…….anticipating the YEAR END AWARDS for edit of 2019 , for this site !!!! This edit……right HERE , most definitely in my personal TOP 10 list !! Salud , Dane………..Im kicking myself for have having MISSED riding bikes with you …..when you rolled through SAN ANTONIO , last year @ Bobby Burges , BMX Haven skate and bmx park !! I missed ya by a day , having not logged onto F.B. , haha………NEXT time , Dane……..was dope meeting ya @ the 2012 Texas Toast post bmx jam @ the Oltorf street session spot , in Austin T.X. , that was a really rad session that night ……from 6.30 p.m. to 2.37 a.m. , hahahaha…………
Dane Beardsley is the most humble human I know. His riding appears effortless but is actually insanely difficult.
Dane is my favorite American flatlander. If he only rode flat, this would still be true to me. But the fact that he can ride dirt and street is just the icing on the cake.