It’s not often I promote myself on the site. A few weeks ago I caught up with Jon Dowker and Anthony Berardi for a chat for an episode of the BMX Banter podcast.
We discuss my roots in riding, the U.K. scene, why I run Flatmattersonline, competing across the globe for thirty years, my new edit, plus my views on so many rider related topics such as Instagram vs Videoparts, and much more.
14 years of Flatmattersonline, can you believe it?!!!
I’ve been stacking clips in between injuries for the last three and a half years. This edit for me has been a real case of going against the grain of what everyone else seems to be doing. The norm now seems to be most riders post their clips as soon as they have landed them straight onto the gram. For me, the gram is for leftover clips and photographs.
Videoparts are our album, I had this conversation with a few riders out in Abu Dhabi recently. There’s a lot of riders in the current scene with “no” albums or at least no a recent one. It seems really sad to me, there isn’t a right lot to watch right now “video part” wise unless you go back digging (which there is nothing wrong with).
After two weeks filming/editing the awards last Sunday I went out for a session right after presenting the Flatmattersonline Year End awards and had a feel good session where everything on the bike felt good.
I had a new idea whilst I was enjoying the session, and as I got nearer to hitting the line I decided to put the phone down and capture it and hopefully get the FM exclusives rolling again.
I have been messing with forward ankle buster variations for a while now, and happy to tick this Fire hydrant turbine to forwards ankle buster rebate off the list. Some good motivation for me now I have some more free time after the awards.
Let’s get these exclusives rolling again, next exclusive drops on Wednesday.
Welcome back, it is that time of the week.
And this episode has been a long time coming as far as I am concerned, episode 36 features myself (Effraim Catlow).
This year has been a battle not only with the pandemic, and my riding spots being locked up, but also injuries. And being on lockdown helped me actually to recover, looking on the positive side and all that.
One of my old riding spots from the late 90’s is now my daily riding spot, right on the seafront here in sunny Southsea.
I am happy to start progressing again, after easing back into riding for a month or so, I’ve had two good months getting back riding five times a week when the weather allows.
Riding at the Canoe Lake basketball opened my eyes again to using a bigger space, and different ideas come to my head as a result.
If you follow my riding over the years, you know I am play around a lot with cowboy flips, and besides progressing at tricks. I have been working on my technique, trying to get smoother by watching how my body moves in the tricks. The less the better other than functional movements of course.
I recently learnt to dump into hitchhiker from a cowboy flip rather than carving into a half hiker after the flip, and once I got that…
I said to myself, flip out and that’ll be a FM exclusive. Here it is, back on the progression hunt.