We are back, episode 57 of the Flatmattersonline exclusives. It is pretty fitting today I am wearing a King of Concrete tee, ep.57 features Jean-Michel Chauvel from Guilliaume Le Conquerant over in Normandie, France just across the water from me here in Southsea, UK. Jean-Michel is a big supporter of the King of Concrete contest, and competed this year in the eFise, MOC, and AFA online contests, and I love this guys riding.
He has a unique flow to how he puts the tricks together, I would call these “pieces” of tricks put together in one clip with his unique pirouette style, that’s figure skating like. This is what flatland is all about, get out there and get creative. Jean-Michel is in his 50’s and showing no signs of slowing down, stoked he stepped up for episode 57.
Merci Jean-Michel for stepping up!!!
We have definitely slowed down as we approach 60 episodes, if you have a clip send it in. Don’t be shy, instructions on how-to take part are after Jean-Michel’s clip….
Whose got episode 58?