On The Low: Akihiko Takahashi

TJ Perry is at it again, and today we begin publishing individual parts from the “On the Low” video. I am not sure how many people will have seen this one, and what better way tp start the day than Akihiko Takahashi!
The backwards halfpacker line at 1:07 filmed in Yokohama MM22 riding spot is flat out crazy to this day, Aki is so underrated!

Ares DVD Magazine Vol 4 1

It’s a good start to the week here on Flatmattersonline, TJ Perry came through with a couple of amazing full videos for us to get motivated.
I rinsed this Ares DVD Magazine back when this came out in 2008,loved the no-fuss mix tape type of feel this DVD has featuring York Uno, Hiroya Morizaki (everything Hiroya does!), Yoshihiro Shinde, Yoshiki “Hotoke” Uchino (his line at 19:19 is still unreal to this day!), Terry Adams (that Voodoo line at 11:55!), Hironao Doko, Calvin Tan, Fumiaki Okayama.

This is well worth your time today, you won’t regret it!

Aaron Frost: Landscapes 3 Video Part

Today we have a nice exclusive courtesy of Stewart Munro and Simon O’Brien, Aaron Frost’s part from Landscapes 3 filmed by Jim McKay. Love the frustration and hard work that this section communicates, and Aaron’s ender is super good!

You can read my review of Landscapes 3 below if you missed it!


You can buy the full video right here:
