“To document, share and progress”, the mission statement if you like of Flatmattrsonline has remained consistent since FM’s birth in 2008. As I wondered what I can produce to celebrate our 16th anniversary, I asked around a few friends as I always do for some feedback. One of the ideas was to showcase 16 highlights throughout the years, that idea stuck in my head for a few days before I started going through the archives and thinking this had a nice feel to it.
I enjoyed going through content I had forgotten about, and I thought you at home would do also.

It’s hard to fathom its been 16 years being Flatmatters, I appreciate all the support I have been receiving especially recently. It seems as I am pretty much the only consistent the only flatland website, riders seem to appreciate the work that goes into running the site much more.

It would be interesting to hear back from you at home, what are some of your most memorable moments?

*The actual anniversary was Saturday 30th November, which I missed being at work all day.

I’ve added website links and videos as well for a reference for you all.
Here we I go! Thank you Flatland for 16 amazing years!

Flatmattersonline To document, share and progress!!


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