James White and Amos Burke get lost in London, and set themselves a fun little project to boot. Nine tries and move on to the next spot, hit play if you haven’t already and see what went down.
Tag Archives: London
Must Watch: James White / White Noise
Need some winter motivation? James White delivers an amazing mixtape part showcasing his year-long efforts no matter what the weather.
As James notes, it covers everything from front-wheel to back-wheel action, including unique pedal grinding scuffing circle k’s. Pay attention to the opposite (1:07), switch foot (2:50), spinning opposite (3:25), and switch foot spinning (3:42) – an untapped direction and trick concept.
The combos featuring this concept are also noteworthy. James’s progression and fun approach shine throughout. He skillfully crafts an engaging video. Share your thoughts in the comments!
City Limits: James White, Amos Burke & Johann Chan
James White, Amos Burke and Johann Chan met up for a session last weekend in London, plenty of flat and street lines to enjoy in this one. This is a fun watch!
James White & Phil Dolan – Southbank, London, 1992
Nice raw feel to this throwback footage featuring James White and Phil Dolan sessioning at the South bank in London back in 1992.
The Green Mile Jam – #SAVETGM
There is not much of a better excuse for a jam, than your local riding spot might be soon unrideable. The local council are considering changing the surface to a astroturf surface, Jason Forde and the TGM crew are battling the council to try and preserve this iconic riding spot in West Norwood, London. At short notice the locals held a jam this past weekend, quite a few out of towners made the trip to celebrate the Green Mile, including some tasty back wheel lines from James White. Plenty of good memories riding this spot over the years. Good luck to Jason and all the guys with keeping the riding spot going, so much history!
Jason Forde – Progress Mixtape
Sweet new progress mix tape edit out of 1WM’s Jason Forde, killing the two footed backyard variations with some front wheel tech thrown in for good measure all laced to the sounds of Valance Drakes.
Jason Forde – Back 2 Progress
Jay has been busy for the last couple of months doing shows, workshops, and pushing the 1WM name out there, now it’s time for him to get back down the mile and progressing again. Look out at 1:43 in this raw clip edit for Jay’s second ever pulled blender out to pedals! Keep on pushing Jay!
Phil Dolan – 1WM BMX
Mr Phil Dolan from 1WM BMX on Vimeo.
Always sick to watch Phil in action. Master of rolling tricks, check out this short clip Jason Forde captured the other day of Phil at a new spot at Arsenal Football Ground.
Must Watch! James White – @whiteski instagrams
@whiteski instagrams from James White on Vimeo.
Whiteski continues to progress and refine/reinvent his riding style. Great concept of collecting his instagram videos into one edit, the mantronix track fits perfectly with James’ riding! Definitely go watch this!!!
TGM/Zion London Scene edit!
Nice new edit from TGM Maz, experimenting with getting in closer on the action. Featuring riding by Jason Forde, TGM Maz, Steve Green, Dave Leslie, Yinka Thomas and James White!